Thursday, December 23, 2004

Nine Steps to Reducing Computer Eyestrain

By Larry K. Wan, O.D.
Computer eyestrain is the number one office-related health complaint, but there are many things workers and employers can do to reduce this symptom of computer vision syndrome (CVS).

Here are nine easy tips:

1. Get a computer eye exam.
2. Use proper lighting.
3. Minimize glare.
4. Adjust the brightness of your computer screen.
5. Blink more often.
6. Exercise and stretch your eyes.
7. Take frequent breaks.
8. Modify your workstation.
9. Exercise even when sitting.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Ocular Rosacea: a General Definition

Ocular rosacea occurs in association with rosacea of the skin. With ocular rosacea one generally experiences the following symptoms: eye lid irritation, styes, blepharitis, episcleritis and chronically red eyes.When the cornea becomes affected, abnormal growth of blood vessels can occur in a process called neovascularization, leading to infections, ulcers and more serious eye damage. Such cases require the intervention of an eye specialist who will more than likely prescribe antibiotics.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Rosacea is Not a Disease

Rosacea is not a disease; rather, it is a chronic dermatologic condition that predominantly affects the convexities of the central aspect of the face, especially the forehead, nose, cheeks, chin and lid margins. Careful clinical observation is the key to diagnosis. Ocular rosacea may progress to hordeola/chalazia, bacterial keratitis, corneal ulceration, perforation, neovascularization and opacification if not appropriately managed. Effective treatment of rosacea includes avoiding triggers, topical and oral antibiotic therapy, topical and oral retinoid therapy, topical vitamin C therapy and in extreme cases, cosmetic surgery.-- courtesy of Joseph J. Pizzimenti, OD, FAAO, Associate Professor, Nova Southeastern University College of Optometry, Fort Lauderdale, FL.