Monday, October 11, 2010

Treating Ocular Rosacea Symptoms

Many rosacea sufferers develop the ocular form of rosacea in addition to facial symptoms. Fortunately, the effects of ocular rosacea can be successfully controlled with proper care.

Ocular rosacea symptoms may appear as simply a watery or bloodshot appearance in the eyes. Some patients may feel as though there is something in their eyes, or have a dry, burning or stinging sensation. In severe cases, ocular rosacea may include swollen blood vessels; inflammation of the eyelid, iris or the whites of the eyes; sties or cysts, and in severe cases even loss of vision.

A number of steps can be taken to help soothe the eyes and prevent irritation and discomfort:

1) Clean carefully the area surrounding the eye. Just as with a facial rosacea care routine, daily eye care starts with removing all eye makeup, using a gentle, non-abrasive cleanser and rinsing with lukewarm water several times to make sure the eye area is completely clean. Blot dry gently with a soft cotton towel. After the eye area air-dries for a few moments, use a gentle moisturizer such as jojoba oil on the lids and underneath the eyes.

2) If eye dryness or a gritty feeling is a problem, you may benefit from using a special agent to moisten the eyes. Preservative-free artificial tears applied several times a day can help eliminate that dry, gritty feeling.

3) Apply warm compresses and gently massage the eyelids. Not only will this feel refreshing, but massaging the eyelids will help loosen any debris in the tear glands and stimulate circulation. This can be especially soothing after a long day at work, or being outside in the cold and wind.

4) Wear UV sunglasses outdoors. They protect your eyes from harmful rays of the sun, and act as a shield against wind and other elements. Sunglasses without UV protection may actually make the condition worse.

5) Increase you water intake. The eye is over 90% water and a lack of adequate water intake will result in dry, red and irritated eyes.

6) The tan Rosacea-Ltd disk may be applied too the eyelid area to calm the redness and burning in the eyes. This can be done either by leaving the eyelid area damp after cleansing and gliding the diskover the closed upper eyelid and to the skin below the eye or by rubbing the disk over the damp fingertip and then patting it gently above and below the eye.

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