Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Winter Difficult for Sufferers of Ocular Rosacea

Winter conditions may be particularly harsh on patients with ocular rosacea, according to Dr. Guy Webster, associate professor of dermatology at Thomas Jefferson University Medical College in Philadelphia. He noted that eye symptoms of rosacea seem to worsen during this season, perhaps because of the frequent gusty winds and cold temperatures.

The chilly blasts of winter winds may bring on the watery discharge that may be a symptom of ocular rosacea, as well as increased eye irritation and aggravation of other symptoms. Additional signs of ocular rosacea may include eyes that feel dry or gritty, a bloodshot appearance or the presence of a stye. "Just about anybody who gets styes has rosacea or is eventually likely to develop the condition," Dr. Webster said.

For patients with ocular symptoms, Dr. Webster recommends minimizing time outdoors and protecting the eyes against icy blasts with glasses or sunglasses. Sufferers with facial as well as ocular rosacea will benefit from covering up with a scarf, or perhaps wearing a ski mask to guard against the cold. Left untreated, ocular rosacea may lead to plugging of the tear glands, inflammation, scarring and even vision loss in the most severe cases.

A type of cyst called a chalazion, which results from plugging of the glands under the eyelids that help keep the eyes lubricated, is especially common, Dr. Webster said.Treatment for ocular rosacea typically is a combination of therapies tailored to the individual case. Therapy may include a combination of local and systemic treatments, as well as cleansing and tearing agents, all of which may be adjusted over time.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Eye Symptoms Separate Rosacea From Lupus

While the facial effects of rosacea and lupus may sometimes be confused, the presence of eye symptoms may point definitely to rosacea, as it almost never occurs in lupus flares."The presence of ocular involvement can be very helpful in differentiating active lupus from active rosacea," said Dr. Guy Webster, associate professor of dermatology at Jefferson Medical College.

The two disorders may have a similar appearance. Like rosacea, lupus sufferers often have redness across the central portion of the face, often in a butterfly pattern. Although both rashes can be smooth in texture, especially in early rosacea, the presence of bumps and pimples, which rarely occur in a lupus flare, may help differentiate the two diseases.

Moreover, unlike lupus, as many as 50 percent of rosacea patients may also have ocular signs. Visually, an eye affected by rosacea often appears simply to be watery or bloodshot. Patients may feel a gritty or foreign-body sensation in the eye, or have a dry, burning or stinging sensation.Inflammation of the eye or eyelid, called blepharitis, is also very common in rosacea, Dr. Webster said.